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4” of Fresh Snow and Construction Sneak Peak

So good to see fresh snow on the lodge! PC: Albert Graves

New Snow

Greetings snow-lovers! Our team is excited to announce Sipapu received 4 inches of FRESH SNOW last night! Lifts 2 and 5 have about a 14 inch base depth and are up and running today. Tonight’s conditions are looking great for making snow. Our snowmaking team will arrive at 4:00 p.m. this evening, and as soon as the air temperature is right we are going to give it all we’ve got! Click here to see photos from today’s snow. Opening Day

Thank you to everyone who made Sipapu’s Opening Day a huge success! For the 14th year in a row, we were the first ski area to open in New Mexico. It was great to see so many new and familiar smiling faces out on the mountain. Sipapu really is a community and you are a huge piece of what makes the resort so special. And, welcoming back our winter staff felt like a family reunion!

The UNM ski team getting some turns in up on Thumper. PC: Albert Graves

UNM Ski Team Recap The University of New Mexico ski team finished up their first training session at Sipapu yesterday. We had gates set up all the way down Thumper, and the snow was really nice and dense for them to practice their turns on. The weather during early season training can often be unpredictable, but it is so crucial to get that practice in!

Framing progresses on the lodge’s new addition. PC: Albert Graves New Addition

The new addition to the lodge is beginning to take shape! Exterior and interior framing of the new building is nearly complete. Next week we expect to receive the roofing trusses and will start installing those when they arrive. We will continue to keep everyone in the loop on snow conditions and construction updates, but in the meantime make sure to check our live mountain cam, website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

See you on the slopes!

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