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Working by the Light of the Supermoon

As you all know, last night’s supermoon was the closest the moon has appeared to Earth since 1948, and our snowmaking team got a front row view! The moon’s reflection off the snow made the phenomenon even more spectacular. By the light of the moon, we fired up all of the snow guns last night, beginning at 9:30pm and working through the wee hours of the morning. The team finished making snow around 8am, focusing their efforts on Thumper.

Last night’s supermoon, as seen from Taos. Photo Cred: Geraint Smith.

Our mountain ops team is still going full-force as opening day (Saturday!) approaches. After a very successful night, we plan to fire up the guns by midnight tonight and blow snow until late-morning. Then we will begin pushing and spreading all of those huge snow piles, adding to our growing base layer. With the forecasted cold front rolling in on Thursday and Friday, we will take full advantage of those freezing temperatures, to make a final snowmaking push for Saturday.

Snowmaking views.

This morning I spoke with Brian Martinez, Sipapu’s Retail Manager, about the progress on the Day Room renovation and the new addition to the Lodge’s west side. Following the resort’s 2014 fire, we have been undergoing an extensive renovation on the entire Day Room. We are putting the finishing touches on the project now, with two major inspections (fire alarms and electrical) scheduled for next week. Brian said after we pass those inspections, the Day Room can get its official Certificate of Occupancy and will once again be open for guests. Don’t worry—we will continue to keep you posted on our progress as we finish up—we can’t wait to warm up next to the big fireplace again, either!

Putting the finishing touches on the Day Room renovation. Photo Cred: Albert Graves.

Brian also informed me that the new addition we are building on the lodge’s west side will add 2,200 square feet of retail space, including new restrooms, a new ticket/rental office, and part of the new rental shop (the other part is in the Day Room). We began pouring concrete this morning and plan to begin framing the building early next week. On Saturday (and until the new addition is finished) we will sell tickets out of the ski school building. Food will continue to be served upstairs in the lodge, and Happy Hour will run as usual from 4pm-6pm in the upstairs bar.

Pouring concrete for the new addition this morning. Photo Cred: Albert Graves.

Can’t wait to see everyone on Saturday!

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